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Feb 18, 2022
What is DNS?
Domain name system which translates the human-friendly hostnames into the machine IP addresses
DNS Terminologies
, .pl
How DNS Works?
When a user requests to view a page let's say then the first call will be made to our local DNS Server that is assigned by the company or ISP. If there is no translation in the local DNS then we hit Root DNS Server which is managed by ICANN and heโs response is address pointing to DNS that knows how to handle .com then TLD DNS server .com managed by IANA knows that there is an SLD DNS server that knows how to resolve
Record Type - Name | Record Type - Description |
A | A (address) - Most commonly used to map a fully qualified domain name (FQDM) to an IPv4 address and acts as a translator by converting domain names to IP addresses. |
AAAA | AAAA (quad A) - Similar to A records but maps to an IPv6 address (smart-phones prefer IPv6, if available) |
ANAME | ANAME - This record type allows you to point the root of your domain to a hostname or FQDN. |
CNAME | CNAME (Canonical Name) - An alias that points to another domain or subdomain, but never an IP address. |
SOA | SOA (Start of Authority) - Stores information about domains and is used to direct how a DNS zone propagates to secondary nameservers |
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